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Blog – Intro

Here goes.  I am going to try and have some inspiring and innovative thoughts on the subject of special event lighting.  I say try, not because I don’t have the experience – I have been in the industry for 12 years, it’s just that writing isn’t my strong suit.  So, if you can keep up with my, sometimes, rattle on sentences then good luck and welcome.  I will also try to convince my business partner, who is the designer and who actually comes up with the ideas that I will be talking about, to be a guest blogger.  She is a much betterer writer than I. I guess I should start with who we are.  Solus Lighting LTD is a special event lighting company.  In fact, Solus Lighting LTD is the only company in Cleveland, Ohio dedicated exclusively to special event lighting.  We have experience lighting all different types of

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Cleveland Ohio 44111

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